Friday, July 9, 2010

Need two??

It was raining pretty heavily this morning.. As i groped my way towards the exit of CST to walk my way towards office i have started to realize that i have inadvertently forgotten to carry an umbrella & i am going to be shit drenched by the time i reach office if it continues to rain at this pace. As i near the exit through the sub way i see a host of people unfolding their umbrellas to shield themselves from the wailing clouds.. As i walk my way close to the exit i join the bandwagon of a host of less privileged people without umbrellas.. I wait.. I ponder.. whether or not to go outside & give myself to the cries of nature.. And suddenly i feel an intense need of an umbrella..
Mind you i have previously mentioned i had forgotten to carry an umbrella.. I realized one thing that time.. If an umbrella seller now comes stands in the rain & starts selling an umbrella for the sake of the unprivileged ones he'd make more sale rather than sitting out there on the corner of the street in the shelter!!
What i am getting at is marketeers need to think of alternative ways to make a second sale of the same product. Whats needed is cashing in on the need. In spite of having an umbrella back home, today if an umbrella seller would have been in front of a hosts of an almost prospective buyers he would have compelled people to buy an umbrella & eventually made a sale.
What shd he have targeted at? the need of the second sale in spite of having one. The need might vary for different products but this small example shows that it can be created. For some products the need could be in gathering a multiple of the same species for others it could be replacing the old ones or discarding the old ones for new. But one things clear that the need exists.
How can the need be tapped? Exactly in the need of the hour.. In the above mentioned case too many things were at stake.. a soppy day, wet clothes, itchy skin eventually driving one to irritation causing less concentration in work. This in comparison to a Rs. 100 umbrella from the road side is not too much a trade off.. In fact it is not a trade off at all... Similarly one needs to think of creating a need which are not at the cost of the existing assets of an individual.
The markets according to specialists may be a hell lot saturated but making a sale is still an art.. and marketeers need to run deep into the psychology of the product & the end consumer in order to create an alternative need.
